About Us

Established in 2007, Yaseen Centre of Manitoba is the first Shia Centre in Winnipeg. Throughout the years Yaseen Centre has held programs on weekly and monthly basis such as Dua e Kumayl, Salatul Jummah, Walidat, Shahadat, Rajab, Sha’ban, Ramadhan and Muharram in various languages for believers from different races, languages and cultures. Typically, Eid Prayers/Celebration are held at the facility. In addition, Yaseen Centre offers services for marriages, divorces, burials and interfaith programs.

The purpose of such programs is to promote the teachings and lessons of the Holy Qu’ran and Ahlul Bayt (a). In the past two years, with the help of the Ahlul Bayt (a) and efforts of the organizing committee, we have been blessed with a resident Alim to continue our programs and establishing more of presence in society locally. Due to COVID this initiative has been postponed until further notice.

Yaseen Centre is located in the heart of the city and serves as a focal point for Shia affairs in Winnipeg and surrounding areas. The Centre is convenient for all community members whether it would be using bike routes, public transportation, personal vehicles or other means of transportation.

In October 2019, by The Grace of Allah (s) and generous donations for local and domestic donors, Yaseen Centre finished a complete interior renovation to better suit the facilities needs.